How much will it cost to create a WordPress website in total?

How much will it cost to create a WordPress website in total?

There's no denying that this platform is absolutely free and simple to use, but it won't allow you to create a fully functional website. There are many things you'll need to get your business website up and running, including a domain name that will represent your company or brand, hosting – an online web space where you'll store your website and all of your business data, a suitable and unique theme to represent your company's services, and yes, plugins to improve the overall functionality and security of your website as needed. You can employ a WordPress Development Company to help you manage all of these items in one location.

You can increase the cost of development from $100 to hundreds of dollars every year, depending on your preferences and budget, and you can add anything you need for your business. This platform is available for download at no cost, anywhere, and at any time. You can quickly install it on your machine and utilize its pre-built themes for your website. However, any code changes may necessitate the assistance of a skilled WordPress Developer.

If you don't use WordPress, you'll have to pay for the following things for your website:

  • Domain Name
  • Hosting
  • Website Theme
  • Additional Plugins & Extensions

Domain Name

The name of your company or brand on the internet to better represent it to your target audience.


Your WordPress website will require hosting for storage purposes. This space will store all of the content, photographs, files, videos, and audio that will be utilized on your website and will keep them safe for the rest of your life. Every website requires hosting in order to run on a browser, and you can select one based on your requirements and budget.

Website Theme:

When creating a WordPress website, you must first select a theme. You can choose between free and paid themes to improve the functionality of your website. However, if you want to improve the functionality of your website, you'll have to pay for paid themes and other services. You can select the most appropriate one for your needs and utilize it for your online business website.

Additional Plugins & Extensions:

WordPress comes with a large number of plugins and extensions, each with its own function. Some of them are compensated for their efforts. As a result, you can use it as needed for your business website. These features will include online chat, enhanced security, a contact form, a gallery, and many others.

Words to End With

The best solution for any business to acquire an amazing website is to use WordPress, however, its functionality varies depending on the pricing. However, it is always preferable to alternative web development platforms. You can also work with free themes and employ a WordPress Development Company to make all the necessary coding changes and improve the functionality while staying inside your budget.


Don't hesitate to take the plunge and launch your firm into the competitive market with a unique and completely functional WordPress website from IT Passel – a well-known and rapidly expanding WordPress Web Development Company.