The 7 types of logos and how to apply them

The 7 types of logos and how to apply them

A logo is a graphic design that represents your company. Did you know, though, that there are seven different types of logos? the application of logic and reasoning to the creation of persuasive writing or rhetoric.

Despite the fact that they're all made up of typeface and graphics, each sort of logo has a distinct feel to it. And, because your logo will be the first thing potential buyers see, you'll want to make sure it's perfect. Do you want to pick the ideal logotype for your company? Then you should be familiar with the extensive different types of logos. IT Passel offer all types of logo designing services in UK you can get a service for any type of logo.

Here are the seven different types of logos:

  1. Monogram Logos( letter marks)
  2. Wordmarks Logo
  3. Pictorial marks(logo symbols)
  4. Abstract logo marks
  5. Mascots Logo
  6. Combination Mark Logo
  7. The emblem logo


Monogram Logos( letter marks)

Mono gram logo

Lettermarks logos are logos made of letters, usually brand initials. Is there a pattern here?. As a result, it's only natural for them to utilize monograms—also known as letter mark logos—to signify their organizations.

A letter mark is a typography-based logo made out of a few letters, usually the initials of a company. The letter mark is all about keeping things simple.

How much easier is it to say—and remember—NASA than the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, for example?

→ If your company has a long name, consider a letter mark logo


Wordmarks logo

wordmark logo type

One of the types of logo designs is a wordmark or logotype, which is a font-based logo that concentrates solely on a company's name. For reasons of identification and branding, a typographic treatment of a company's, institution's, or product's name is utilized. It is with a letter mark logo. Because your name will be the centerpiece, you'll want to choose a font—or design one—that expresses the core of what your company does. 

→ If you're starting a new business and need to get your name out there, a wordmark is a good choice.


Pictorial marks(logo symbols):

Pictorial logo type

A pictorial mark (also known as a brand mark or logo symbol) is a graphics-based logo or icon.. Each of these companies' logos is so iconic, and each brand is so well-known, that just seeing the symbol is enough to recognize it. As a result, it may be difficult for new businesses or those with limited brand recognition to use it as a symbol. The image to choose is the most crucial aspect to consider when choosing a pictorial mark. This is something that will last the entire life of your business.

→ A single graphic mark can be difficult to understand.


Abstract logo marks

Abstract logo type

The abstract logo mark is one of the types of logos from which you're able to use symbols to communicate what your organization performs. Because of its intrinsic tradition, emblems are frequently chosen by various organizations, schools, and government institutions. These types of logos are known as simple yet unique concepts and ideas.


Mascots logo

Mascot logo type

The mascot logo is a massive way to establish your own brand spokesperson, spokes-character. It's often bright, sometimes cartoonish, and always fun. It could be an inanimate item, an animal, a person, or even a wholly fictional creation. A mascot's job is to promote your company's ideals to customers and to speak on your behalf. A cartoon character that represents a company. It helps to humanize your brand and give it a personality. It’s one of those types of logos, which has a life beyond the logo. 

→ A mascot is only one component among the types of logos as a successful logo and brand, and you might not be able to include it in all of your marketing materials.


The combination mark logo

Combination mark logo type

A logo that combines a combined wordmark or letter mark with a pictorial mark, abstract mark, or mascot is known as a combination mark. The image and text can be placed next to each other, layered on top of each other, or combined to form an image. A combination mark, with both the text and the icon or mascot working together to strengthen your brand, is a versatile choice, with both the text and the icon or mascot working together to enhance your brand. People will immediately identify your name with your graphical mark or mascot if you choose a combo mark!


The emblem logo

Emblem logo type

A font inside a symbol or icon makes up an emblem logo. While maintaining a classic look, some businesses have successfully modernized the old emblem look with logo designs that are suited for the twenty-first century. Because of its intrinsic tradition, emblems are frequently chosen by various organizations, schools, and government institutions.

If you want any kind of logo design services please visit